meet our guides


  • Cassidy is a sacred feminine mentor, somatic therapist, craniosacral therapist and 13 Moon Astrologist - devoted to reweaving the ancient Earth ways, and reclaiming the inherent orientation of the feminine. Cassidy mentors and guides hundreds of Women through deep excavation, integration, and embodiment work, using the ancient language of the Cosmos, psycho-spirituality, somatics, integration work and ceremony.


    In this class we will remember, reclaim and reinvigorate the ancient love story of Earth Woman and Moon. We will explore how this connection was intentionally co-opted, distorted, and jeopardized, severing the feminine from the true umbilicus of Mother Cosmos - until now. We will remember how to orient to 13 Moons as our sacred time keeper, how to live, breathe and bleed in accordance with the true movements of the Cosmos. Together we will remember the hidden power of our True Zodiac, and reclaim the hidden and mysterious 13th sign - Ophiuchus, the Cervix and Vulva of the Cosmos. We will learn how to decode our true astrological soul templates, re-orient to 13 lunar cycles, and relate to the Cosmos as a macrocosmic expression of our physiological bodies. We will re-ground Astrology as a passageway to deepen into our bodies, and as a ceremony into True Self.


  • Emily teaches Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) cycle-charting for health monitoring, highly reliable holistic contraception, and eventual conception. She empowers you with accurate information, simple practices and loving guidance so you can trust yourself to manage your cycle naturally. Through education in person and online, she is paving new pathways and expanding the paradigm of what it means to be vibrant and fulfilled as reverence for the Feminine rises again.


    Cycles reverberate on every level of our life…from the daily, monthly and decade long passageways that womanhood walks us through from first bleed to last.

    When we get empowered with the body literacy we never received growing up, we move from fear and frustration of our perceived “curse”, to a rich experience of riding all the waves of hormonal changes with more ease, depth and vibrancy…feeling emotionally grounded in the hidden power of our womb.

    This session is for all maidens, mothers and crones curious about the matriarchal map from menarche to menopause, and how to reclaim our stories about our cycles.

Sarah hutchison

  • Sarah is curiousity embodied. She is a lifelong learner, healer and guide who works as a doula and bodyworker. Her background is in kinesiology - her love of the body has been a constant fascination. For the past 7 years, Sarah has owned a doula agency with her business partner Lara. Together they are passionate about educating, supporting and holding women through the transformative experience of going from a maiden to a mother.


    Sarah, doula and mother of 3 boys, is going to talk to you about the ways that we get in our own way as we transition into motherhood. She is going to remind you of your innate, sovereign power, and why it is yours to reclaim as you bring your baby earthside. Sarah loves to geek out on the beautiful symphony of hormones that work together to enable you to birth. And the shocking things we do to interrupt that process. Things we don’t even do to animals. She will tell you the story of her own twin birth, as well as her kitchen birth with her last son, as well as some great birth stories she has attended. Sarah will address what it looks like to be a radical homebirther in 2024, and what things would make your first or subsequent birth better.


  • Coming soon…

  • Coming soon…

Alicya anahata

  • Alicya Anahata is a Fusion dancer and flow artist awakening the senses though the exploration of energy and the elements. Dance is a portal for her to play with the textures and dimensions of sound, the environment and archetypal energies. Movement has been a conduit for deep connection to self and source, where she allows stories, feelings and emotions to flow intuitively through her body.

  • Explore the hypnotic and exotic nature of your being. A fusion of Chi Gong to tap into the elemental realms and energy currents flowing within and around us, igniting our sensual essence through Bellydance and Primal movement to draw from the roots of our inner wild.

chauntelle atcheynum

  • Chauntelle Atcheynum is a Medicine Woman from Sweetgrass First Nation. The songs of her ancestors have guided her in breathing life into the traditions of woman's medicine including weaving, dreaming, and womb healing. The central fire of her soulwork is the prayer of All Our Relations, a deep recognition of our interconnectedness.

    In addition to her public facilitatition “The Medecine Within”, Chauntelle is also offering a private Cacao + Shamanic Dream Journey in the Red Tent. Email her at to pre-register.


    Reconciliation begins within. Our personal healing journeys are the pathways to our collective harmony and wholeness.

    The moment we awaken our innate ability to heal ourselves through compassion, forgiveness, and a willingness to surrender into radical self love - we rise.

    We rise as the ones who remember. We remember who we are, where we come from, and why we are here. We attune to the rhythms of the moon, the womb, and the mother. We begin to listen.

    What is revealed in the quiet of our hearts, as we kneel before what has burdened us and what beauty we behold, is the medicine within. Our greatest wounds are our greatest healers.

    This is our key to true reconciliation.

    It is time to journey to center of our being and meet ourselves deeper than ever before. This meeting point is where we source our greatest power: love.

    Love and reconciliation are synonymous.

    This is where we begin.

Emily Cordes

  • Embracing life's simple pleasures fuels Emily’s passion for yoga. From the first sip of coffee to the sun's embrace, she experiences joy in simplicity. As a dancer turned yogi with 15 years of practice and 8 years teaching experience, Emily cherishes sharing the transformative power of movement and mindful connection.


    Join Emily for a transformative journey into the realm of the divine feminine. In this 60-minute yoga class, we will embody the essence of goddess energy, flowing gracefully through movements that honour the sacred within.

    Connecting to our inner wisdom, we will synchronize breath with movement, inviting the energy of creation and manifestation to flow freely within us. Through a steady and empowering practice, we will celebrate our inner goddess, nurturing our bodies, minds, and spirits.

    Together, we will cultivate a space of sisterhood and empowerment, where every woman is celebrated for her unique beauty and strength. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or are new to the practice of yoga, this class is open to all who seek to connect deeply with their inner wisdom and the collective energy of the divine feminine.

    Come join us as you are while we journey together on the path of self-discovery and empowerment. Let us unite in sacred movement, embracing the radiant goddesses we already are.

Angie aristone

  • Angie Aristone is a psychic medium and animal communicator. She’s been a regular guest speaker at Western University King’s college over the last 20 years, demonstrating and dissecting the mechanics of psychic abilities in Psychology and Thanatology classes. She continues to participate in ongoing academic research there. She and her husband co-authored Consciousness Becomes You; a book about non local consciousness and her experiences as a medium. Her work is featured in 5 books, 3 by Dr. Imants Baruss: The Impossible Happens, Radical Transformation and Transcendent Mind.


    Mediumship and psychic abilities are a narrow application of intuitive abilities we can all access with surprising ease. Honing our intuitive abilities, we gain a new level of understanding of the world around us, and therefore to make better decisions. More importantly, intuitive abilities allow us to live incredibly interesting and meaningful lives by allowing us to connect, collaborate, and co-create with one another and nature on a whole new level.

    In this experiential workshop, we’ll deepen your connection with your psychic self, and discover and play with your natural intuitive and psychic abilities in a fun and safe container.

Sacha bryce

  • Born & raised in Toronto, Sacha is an EFT Tapping practitioner & trainer and guides women to step into confident leadership & service beyond their fears.

    Raised in a religious environment as a highly sensitive Scorpio child, Sacha learned early on to conceal aspects of her identity, including her sexuality, voice, and true desires, in order to fit in and receive love. Through years of introspection and healing, she has developed a profound understanding of self-love and acceptance, recognizing the importance of sourcing love from within.

    Sacha's life has been dedicated to learning various healing tools and modalities to expand consciousness, fostering greater freedom, joy, and abundance in both her own life and the lives of others. With a belief that healing occurs through the body, she offers guidance grounded in practices such as yoga therapy, EFT tapping, and somatic therapy.

    Sacha passionately believes in the power of women coming together to create portals of healing and magic. Encouraging others to take risks and transcend the limitations of fear, she envisions a world where women feel a deep sense of belonging within themselves and with each other, enabling them to shine authentically and fearlessly in their own unique gifts.


    Join us on a dynamic journey, where we will explore your primal core essence and the innate desire that resides in all of us to play and to connect.

    As a child, you had effortless access to all of your life force energy - and slowly over time you were conditioned to hold back, stay quiet, and to contain your aliveness in order to feel accepted and loved by others. In this workshop we will invite you to say “YES” to all of your energy, to not hold back, and to expand your capacity to feel and express your full spectrum of being.

    Through the gentle art of being in authentic connection with other human bodies, we will allow the intelligence of our somatic intuition to guide us towards what feels good- what feels true and alive in the moment in our connections?

    You will be invited to move your body freely, engage in physical contact with others, and embrace in non-verbal play as we rediscover the joy of uninhibited expression, joy, and play.

Jaime VERK

  • Meet Jaime, also known as JLove, an International Retreat Leader, Trauma Informed Somatic Energy Healer, Yoga, Tantra, and Reiki Master Teacher. With expertise in Relationship & Intimacy Coaching, Jaime guides individuals through healing old wounds, fostering personal growth, and creating transformative group experiences. Since 2011, she has been empowering individuals to embark on inner work for true love, deep intimacy, and passionate sex, embodying a commitment to profound change.


    Embark on a profound transformation as participants immerse themselves in a sacred journey of self-discovery, shedding layers of shame, judgment, and insecurity surrounding the body. Through a deeply nurturing disrobing ritual and self-touch practice, individuals reconnect with their inner essence, reclaiming their divine beauty and viewing themselves through the lens of unconditional self-love and acceptance in sisterhood.

nicole dawn

  • Nicole is modern day medicine woman, artist, performer and facilitator who works with women to be freely expressed, erotically embodied and live a life filled with purpose and pleasure.

    She hosts red tents, new and full moon ceremonies, self pleasure mediations, and is the founder of Wild Womban, a menstruation and yoni celebration movement.


    Be guided on a self discovery journey to receive, reclaim and create pleasure for yourself.

    Rewire yourself for pleasure and enjoyment with neurolinguistic reprogramming, hypnotherapy and energy movement as we break through blocks, limits, and shame around pleasure.

    Learn to open, soften and surrender to love, pleasure, enjoyment, fulfillment through sensual breath and body experiences.

    Create more healthy, radiance and harmony within the body and psyche through this reclamation of perfect health in states of joy and pleasure. Allow yourself to enjoy your body. To enjoy your existence.

    Our pleasure- the sight, frequency and ripple effects of us as women existing in states of bliss, truly heals us individually and as a collective.

    Together we will explore, discover, experience and express our erotic innocence. Beloved. Be loved.


  • Jocelyn is, first and foremost, passionate about living an expanded and inspired life. As an avid traveler and internationally recognized E-RYT Yoga Teacher (Kundalini/Hatha/Yin/Restorative) & Qigong Teacher,, Jocelyn has lead classes & workshops throughout North America (Canada, U.S. & Mexico), as well as in Europe, Bali & in Ghana Africa, both in collaborative endeavours & through her company Body & Soul To Go. As a trained Medical Qigong Practitioner, Jocelyn brings practical Taoist Practices and applicable tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine into her role(s) as a Counsellor, mentor and facilitator. Jocelyn also co-owns Zen'Za Pizzeria, a healthy, mostly organic restaurant, with her wonderful husband Wayne.



  • Kelly Edwards is the Creatrix of Happy Rock Holistics, mama of two beautiful girls, and wife to a sweet primal percussionist.

    She has dedicated her life’s work to learning about Earths remedies, healing modalities, and spirituality.

    After Kelly worked as a support worker in high medical group homes she realized quickly the shift that is needed within our community into more holistic care. Craving more knowledge, Kelly began her never ending quest for wisdom, which is what introduced her to Holistic Spa Therapy, Aroma-Hot Stone, and Aroma Deep Tissue.

    Kelly has since created her own flow of intuitive sessions, and has successfully been booked solid in her own practice since jumping fully into the waters of full time mama-preneur.

    Her trainings consist of Arvigo Mayan Abdominal Massage, Sound Bath Facilitator, Shamanic studies, Crystal Healer levels 1 & 2, Reiki, Postpartum Doula, Sacred Fertility.

    Kelly has most recently finished Akashic Fields, & Galactic Shamanic, and is a certifying facilitator for Transformational Breath-work, and Krystic Quantum Healing.

    Kelly has been apart of the healing community for a decade, and has developed a wide range of natural products, holds monthly circles, events, sounds + scents journeys, retreats, collaborations, and different workshops.


  • Kelly, intuitive deep tissue and breath practitioner will be guiding our flow breath element of Wild Edge. Connecting with your higher self through guided encouragement of deepening into theta brainwaves, allowing space to feel deeply into ranges of grief, rage, and even bliss.

brooklyn Fay & Emma Mae

  • Founders of The Sacred Village Women’s Festival, Brooklyn & Emma are also community weavers, multidimensional mentors & master space holders who guide women to have a safe & sovereign relationship to their own bodies & internal worlds so that they can intimately know their own sacred medicine and be of service to humanity in a meaningful way.


    When we safely touch our rage, we unlock repressed energy in the body and unwind subtle unconscious stories & holding patterns that tend to keep us disembodied and disconnected from our primal feminine nature.

    Wild Edge is a framework that invites you to not only metabolize your own personal pain, but to become a channel for humanity’s injustices and an activist for collective liberation.

    In this ceremonial experience, you will be guided to safely derepress, express and alchemize your rage and hold yourself tenderly in your grief. This is a journey into your own inner world, and is also a prayer woven with sisters, where power is amplified by witnessing and being witnessed by other women. You will be invited to meet your own edges through elements of movement, breath and sound.


  • Sakari, also known as Singing Starlight Woman, is a devoted shamanic practitioner and Akashic record reader. Her passion lies in soul retrieval, energetic extractions, karmic cord cutting, unraveling soul origin stories, exploring past lives, and channeling messages from higher dimensional beings through soul singing.


    Sakari will be channeling awakening frequencies and light language activations in the Wild Edge prayer to offer deep reparation and healing to the heart.

Sandy masse

  • After having a career in business, Sandy was surprised by a twist of fate to discover she was a healer. Enthusiastically pursuing this knowledge led to many adventures in ancient shamanic methods plus several modern techniques such as Therapeutic Touch and Jikiden Reiki Experience as a Palliative Care volunteer in a local hospital convinced her of the benefits of energy healing.

    Another synchronicity brought the power of the Vision Quest into her life. Having completed a dozen Quests and seeing first hand the benefits of questing, she trained as a Vision Quest Protector, then eventually teacher training in Protection rounded out the skills.

    Classes with Tom Brown Jr. at Tracker School and Malcolm Ringwalt of The Oneness Quest in the teachings of Grandfather Stalking Wolf increased her awareness of the spiritual dimensions. These connections led to the experience of Seven Levels of Quest, of which she is now a teacher.

    Her passion is to help people come to know themselves, to heal, and discover their purpose. A shared vision with her partner, Chuck, led to the establishment of Heron Walk Healing Centre where they see healing clients and teach. Check out their website for more details:

    Her life is enriched by grown children, six grandchildren, and the many friends around the world who have been part of her adventures.